when there are 109 people going under the same path in hope to grab the stars high over the seven colours of rainbow, higher than the sky, near the massive black hole, a burden of 1 million people can be feel.... the tears of million people, the pain of a unite people can be feel tho.
are we dreaming or dreams laid on the wall of lumen in our vessels telling me that the pain is there... the pain is there.....the pain is sweet rather then the sweet victory.. because the pain teaches me on how to move on and keep on living... it`s the starting point of mesmerizing moments.. because the root is bitter... but the fruit is sweet...sweeter then anything you can taste...
the call of honour is ringing and it`s the matter of answering the call or just leave it hang for the rest of the day until the sunset... when the birds are flying lower to search a place call home...
duty is not the word... it`s being responsible of the duty...that`s the honour of a duty...
Panel 1
Maecenas placerat lacus sed lectus. Quisque lorem tortor, gravida sit amet, ornare a, interdum id, urna. Suspendisse massa est, dictum eu, vestibulum et, ultricies id, dolor. Vivamus turpis est, auctor et, imperdiet tincidunt, sodales vel, nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc ligula. Integer tincidunt nibh eget lacus. Proin porta sem ac turpis. Mauris iaculis enim id neque.
Panel 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus porta tortor sed metus. Nam pretium. Sed tempor. Integer ullamcorper, odio quis porttitor sagittis, nisl erat tincidunt massa, eu eleifend eros nibh sollicitudin est. Nulla dignissim. Mauris sollicitudin, arcu id sagittis placerat, tellus mauris egestas felis, eget interdum mi nibh vel lorem.
Panel 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus porta tortor sed metus. Nam pretium. Sed tempor. Integer ullamcorper, odio quis porttitor sagittis, nisl erat tincidunt massa, eu eleifend eros nibh sollicitudin est.
Panel 4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus porta tortor sed metus. Nam pretium. Sed tempor. Integer ullamcorper, odio quis porttitor sagittis, nisl erat tincidunt massa, eu eleifend eros nibh sollicitudin est. Nulla dignissim. Mauris sollicitudin, arcu id sagittis placerat.
Panel 5
Vestibulum purus. Duis nec odio. Praesent sed nulla ac nibh luctus bibendum. Pellentesque fringilla, leo et rhoncus porta, turpis nulla sollicitudin ligula, et varius ipsum lectus eget ligula. Donec diam.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
follow after me
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
* under construction
Leia Mais…crocs kasut kesayangan ku
salam ukhwah kpd pembaca2 sekian2... ha ha ha ha.. kali ni saya nk citerkan pasal seliper crocs yg kini mangkin hangat digunakan.... wushhhh... dimana mana saja mesti ade orang pakai kasut crocs ni... naik gila dibuat...he he he.. so sye pun bolek2 la seliper crocs ni... rupe2 nya crocs ni mmg comfty la klo pakai... wushh test pakai skali mmg dh melekat dlm hati la... so sy pun belilah satu seliper crocs paling murah....(he he he bukan ori kot...) tapi mmg puas la pakai.... colour itam dn mmg selesa dipakai...so skrang ni mmg tiap2 kali jln la sy mmg akn pakai kasut crocs kesayangan saya ni...i call it joey the road burner... ha ha ha ha
tp... setelah skian lme pakai... sye teringin la pulak nak beli satu seliper crocs yg lagi lawar... adu.... tp mahal siot.... MYR 150+++.. aduishhh susah skit ni... so skrang tgh duk fikir camner duk pikir ni camner nk kumpul duit....munkin nk gunakan adsense la...dpt duit nk beli seliper crocs.....selesa dan mahal ha hah a
Nine in the afternoon?
salam ukhwah.. as we meet again in this limited space of knowledge sharing...
or should i say blogging... yep....in this lovely morning... i`m listening to one of the best song ever.... nine in the afternoon by panic at the disco... it somehow reminds me back to the moments of relaxing and irresistible moment of temptation... ha ha ha( what the is this- bantai saja) ha haha..maybe u guys wanna give it a shot ? listen and enjoy
It`s totally LIMA-ing
so back to d basic... ni kira blog saya yg terbaiklah...(al-maklumlah) org baru yg sangap blog...
so tak tau nk start dgn ape... senang citer saya postkn experience sy dkt LIMA (Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace)... its kinda an exibition la... so let see
first day.... was the greatest part.. due to my 1st time naik train(1st class) dari KL ke arau...
bapak best... dua ari trip ma... selatan ke utara
second day lg best... dgn muka sememeh-nya.... akhirnya tiba juga di Perlis....ha ha ha
pakai baju Shirt pattern petak n khakis dockers(he he he nk mention jugak) aku tiba di perlis dengan 1001 perasaan(1001 is actually my birthday he he he because 10.01, get it?)so... sampai di Perlis.. n makan n tempah tiket naik feri... dlm kul 2 30 ptg tu sampai jugak di pulau langkawi..pulau sumpahan(: he he he) abis tu pun... cepat2 la aku utk menempah keto kancil n tempah room di hotel region.. time 2 hotel dah abis...semua full maaa... maklumla LIMA+Cuti sekolah=disaster la........bila sampai hotel je... semua dh letih.. tp.. semangat masih tinggi utk teruskan usaha utk menyaksikan kehangatan LIMA ni.... Ptg tu... abah.... hit d road lahh.. pihhh...best bai... banyak tmpt lah aku lawat...
3rd day is the best...aku menjelajah mahsuri exhibition centre.. utk meyaksikan kehebatan pilot2 TUDM mengendalikan pesawat2 yg aku minat... ha ha ha... woooo sana...wuu sini... bingit dong telinga aku dibuatnya... bTw ia tetap best...
so lps tu aku pun get ready utk balik... maklum la feri b`lepas dlm kul 2 ptg...ha ha ha ha
time naik feri tu... ditayankan la pulak citer 2012...(bapak bosan jugak best la)ha ha ha.. tapi part yg tak tahannya ialah time passenger dpn blakang buat bising.. kasi gegar feri...
nk tercabut kpalo otak aku dibuatnya ha ha hamaklumla... dh penat...so lebih kurang sejam dalam feri....kami pun sampai ke Arau ngan 1001 perasaan(once again i want to remind u.... it my birthday) naik teksi dan terus menuju ke stesen keto api....tapi.... keto api lmbt sampai lebih kurang 1 jam... isyhhh... penat siot tunggu keto api....tapi akhirnya keto api sampai jugak...
d best part naik keto api dis time is bila tgh malam... krn time tu semua gerabak keto api osak...wushhh...... mcm2 la dibuatnya...pe el keto api ni mmg memeningkn kpalo otak den oiii....
ponat jang....
4 th dah..... sampai jugak di kajang tanah air ku....hihih.. time ni along and d family dtg jemput kitorang naik keto abah gi breakfast...lapo2.....soooooooooooooo lps makan akhirnya sampai umah... time ni best...akhirnya dpt juga den bukak laptop compaq kesayngan den ni dn lain FB,MS n update kn blog...di samping tido d katil cozy den n...uihhh ha ha ha LIMA is simply LIMA-zing... it`s a trip of a life time
some pic.